Tips & Tricks

Apothecary/Recipes/Tips & Tricks

Cold Pressed Lavender Oil

Cold-pressed oils are not your average bear. Oftentimes, cold-pressed oils are more potent, present better health benefits, and are purer than other oils. While their cost is certainly higher, it’s worth it to pay the extra dollar for these quality oils. Cold-pressed oils are the most desirable type for skincare, haircare, and massages. However, they are most commonly used in…

Lavender Tips/Tips & Tricks

Benefits of lavender essential oil for skin

Lavender and lavender oil has many different health benefits, and one of them is skin care. There are many different benefits of lavender essential oil for skin, and in this article we’re going to break down each one. Acne Treatment Pure lavender oil is one of the best natural ingredients you can use for treating acne issues. It has anti-inflammatory…

Lavender Tips/Tips & Tricks

How to cook with culinary lavender buds

Cooking with lavender is becoming more and more popular, but you need to be careful how you use it, as it can become overbearing. In this article we are going to discuss the tips and tricks of cooking with lavender, so grab your dried lavender buds and let’s get started! Buy the right product No matter what you’re going to…

Tips & Tricks

How lavender oil can improve hair health

Here at McKinley Lavender Farm we do more than just grow the lavender, we also make lavender oil. In this article we are going to explain some of the benefits lavender oil can have on hair growth. Promotes hair growth A study back in 2016 has shown that lavender essential oil can actually grow more hair. These studies showed that…

Tips & Tricks

How to make lavender oil using steam distillation

Buying essential can sometimes be quite expensive, but believe it or not it’s actually quite inexpensive to distill at home. In this article we are going to walk you through how you can make lavender oil at home using steam distillation. What are essential oils? Before we get into the step by step process we’re going to quickly explain what…

Tips & Tricks

How to prune and harvest lavender

If you’re new to harvesting lavender and wondering what you need to do, don’t worry cause we’ve got you covered. Proper pruning and harvesting of lavender ensures the plant will have a longer lifespan, and the plant will keep producing flowers for a very long time. Here is our guide on pruning and harvesting lavender. Prune and harvest when the…

Tips & Tricks

How to keep tulips fresh after picking

After a long winter here in the Okanagan spring is finally here! That means it’s time to spruce up your home and office space with some beautiful, freshly cut tulips. You may be thinking to yourself, why would a lavender farm write about how to care for tulips? While we do focus primarily on dried lavender and growing dried lavender for…