English Lavender/lavender cocktails/Lavender Tips/Recipes
How to Cook With Culinary Lavender for Sale
Lavender is a popular herb that is most often used for its unique scent and incredible health benefits. Generally, when people think of lavender, they imagine soaps, oils, and beauty products. However, lavender has another use beyond its therapeutic and beauty benefits. Similar to other herbs, lavender makes a great addition to your kitchen pantry. Using lavender in the culinary…
Lavender Tips/Tips & Tricks
How to cook with culinary lavender buds
Cooking with lavender is becoming more and more popular, but you need to be careful how you use it, as it can become overbearing. In this article we are going to discuss the tips and tricks of cooking with lavender, so grab your dried lavender buds and let’s get started! Buy the right product No matter what you’re going to…