Lavender Syrup – What to Do With it & Why You Need It

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Lavender Syrup – What to Do With it & Why You Need It

Lavender makes the perfect addition to any cocktail, mocktail, coffee, or dessert. It’s floral and sweet, but delicate enough to blend well with most flavours. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard of Starbucks’ spring drink menu. Their lavender drinks have a chokehold on beverage lovers across the continent. However, it’s nearly impossible to find a definitive list of ingredients in their lavender syrup and powder. This has left many Starbucks lovers experiencing allergic reactions and dealing with the aftermath of a hidden ingredient list. Not to mention, you can’t buy Starbucks’ lavender products anywhere!

If you’re a lavender lover who wants to enjoy the floral flavour without the risk, our farm-made lavender syrup is the perfect solution. Our syrup has just a few ingredients and allows you to control exactly what goes into your drinks and desserts. In anticipation of the launch of our syrup, we’ve prepared this post to unveil the versatility of lavender syrup and its indispensable role in your kitchen. Follow along below to learn more!

Who is Lavender Syrup For?

earl grey and lavender sugar cookies

Lavender syrup can be used by so many individuals—whether you are a self-proclaimed home chef or the owner of a local cafe. For those who love to experiment in the kitchen at home, lavender syrup is the perfect new addition to your cupboards. Its light floral taste makes for the perfect addition to both savoury meals and delectable desserts. Wow your dinner guests and family members with this versatile flavour profile

Attention all business owners! Our syrup is an ideal choice for cafes, breweries and restaurants looking to capitalize on the unique taste that lavender brings to beverages and culinary items. Elevate your menu offerings with the help of lavender’s amazing flavour. This product is sure to add a touch of sophistication and Okanagan charm to your establishment’s offerings. Give Starbucks a run for their money and craft distinctive lavender-infused cocktails, mocktails, and coffees that will leave your customers wanting more. With our syrup, you can set yourself apart in a crowded market and delight your customers’ palates. If you’re interested in working with us, reach out today! Or order our Original Spring Lavender Syrup for a trial run!

What Can It Be Used For?

lavender earl grey sugar cookies

We have been experimenting with lavender syrup for quite some time now. It might even be safe to say that we’ve tried it on everything. Seriously. From barbecue sauce to lemonade, lavender-flavoured foods have become the norm in our household. Out of all of our creations and experiments, our favourite lavender-flavoured items have to be coffee and lemonade. Nothing beats a lavender latte on a cold winter day. Or, the floral tang of a lavender lemonade during the blazing Okanagan heat. However, we’ve also concocted lavender mojitos and iced matcha lattes that were definitely a hit. 

But, as we’ve discovered, lavender syrup can be used in a variety of ways beyond just beverages. You can drizzle it over pancakes, mix it into yogurt, or even use it as a glaze for meats like chicken or pork. Over the Christmas holidays this past winter, we even incorporated the syrup into some delicious lavender Earl Grey sugar cookies. With our farm-made syrup, the possibilities are endless, and you’ll never have to worry about hidden ingredients again—MKL 1, Starbucks 0.

Why Should You Purchase MKL Lavender Syrup?

While the decision to purchase our lavender syrup ultimately rests with you, we’re here to persuade you of its value, particularly if you’re a fan of flavoured coffees and luxurious cocktails. Our syrup stands out primarily due to its natural ingredients. Unlike Starbucks and other competitors, we exclusively use real lavender sourced from our farm to create our syrup. Our lavender plants are cultivated without the use of pesticides, and only the finest culinary-grade lavender buds are selected for our syrup. Furthermore, we ensure that our syrup contains no stems, or roots, offering a safer and more flavorful product. Every ingredient listed on our label is easily understandable, eliminating the need for guesswork about what you’re consuming. 

If you’ve been waiting for a lavender syrup that truly tastes like lavender, we urge you to join our waitlist.

Contact us Today!

lavender mojitos

Stay tuned to our website and socials for more information about our lavender syrup that we are about to release to the public! You can do so by following us on social media, checking our website, and hopping on our waitlist so that you get notified as soon as it’s ready for purchase! As always, if you have any questions about our lavender farm in Kelowna, feel free to contact us. Or, if you have any inquiries about Lavender Jack’s, don’t hesitate to reach out.