White Ellagance Lavender (E)

White Ellagance Lavender plant

White Ellagance Lavender

Variety: English (Lavandula Angustifolia)

Name: White Ellagance Lavender

Height: 14″ tall

Color: White blooms with rich gray-green foliage

Qualities: Aromatic white flowers

White Ellagance makes a unique choice for Weddings!

Another new lavender variety at MKL farm!  With it’s white long flowering blooms this variety of lavender is a conversation starter!  It’s tough to find in other colours so this makes White Ellagance lavender a sought after variety that sells out very quickly. It is so beautiful on it’s own or mixed with other flowers. 

White Ellagance Lavender is an ENGLISH ‘Lavandula Angustifolia’ and Fleuroselect award winner! White Ellagance is a unique variety of lavender with large, dense white flower spikes along rich gray-green foliage. White Ellagance has a soothing aromatic scent and has long flowering blooms. It makes a very unique cut flower for weddings! 

White Ellagance Lavender Products from McKinley Lavender Farm

mixed lavender bouquet
0 out of 5

Box of 3 Mixed Lavender Bouquets


Lavender Bouquet in a Box – Mixed

Box of three Mixed lavender bouquets in a gift box

  • Mixed boxes include at least one dried French bundle and one dried English lavender bundle, plus one additional bundle
  • Box measures 6″x6″x18″
white ellagance dried lavender
0 out of 5

Dried Bundles :: White Ellagance Lavender


Dried White Ellagance Lavender Flowers are available in wholesale quantity from MKL!

Dried lavender bundles are sold in wholesale quantity at a minimum of twenty bundles per order.

White Ellagance lavender:

  • minty/citrusy scent and taste
  • white lavender flower blooms
  • hints of bright green
  • unique in fresh bouquets
white lavender buds for sale
0 out of 5

White Citrus Mint- White Ellagance – Dried Lavender Buds


White Ellagance lavender buds come packaged in a 1-cup glass jar with a screw-top lid for your convenience. White Ellagance buds are sell out superstars for their unique minty citrus scent. Take this one home and start experimenting!