One of the great things about dried lavender is there possibilities on what you can do with it, are endless. If you have an abundance of dried lavender left over after your purchase, here are 6 uses for your dried lavender.
Lavender Bags
Do you have an empty fabric bag lying around that you never thought you would have a use for? Well now you do! Fill that bag with a handful of dried lavender and place it somewhere in any room of the house, to give it a nice new fresh scent. They can also make great gifts, with a bit of decoration on the bag it can have a nice personal touch.
Sleep Aid
If you have trouble falling asleep at night, keeping a lavender bag by your pillow can help you achieve a good nights sleep. You can also combine ingredients with the lavender, like Chamomile, and have a nice pleasant apple-like fragrance while you sleep.
Clothing Freshener
As per above, lavender bags are great for having a nice aroma to your room, but it can also help freshen your dresser droors, and clothing. Simply just keep a lavender bag in any droor, and once in a while give the bag a good squeeze. Doing this releases the natural essential oils from your lavender buds, and refreshes the scent.
Moth Repellent
Believe it or not, moths do not like the smell of lavender and will generally avoid areas with lavender present. If you want to protect your closets or wardrobes from moths, make a hang a lavender pomander to keep those pesky moths away.
Insect Deterrent
Flies also react to lavender in a similar way to moths. Leave lavender buds or bunches near open windows to stop flies from coming into your home. Lavender has even been known to protect your home from scorpions!
This one is kind of a given, but the most popular use for dried lavender is combining it with dried rose buds or petals in Potpourri. Mixing these ingredients in a nice bowl and placing it in the center of any room, can give any room a nice refreshed and relaxed atmosphere. You can also enhance the scent with fragrance or essential oils.
These are just some of the many uses of dried lavender but if you’d like to know more, or are looking for lavender buds for sale, contact McKinley Lavender Farm today.